Source code for app_utils.esi

"""Helpers for working with ESI."""

import datetime as dt
import logging
import random
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional

import requests

from django.utils.timezone import now

from app_utils.logging import LoggerAddTag

from . import __title__, __version__
from ._app_settings import (

logger = LoggerAddTag(logging.getLogger(__name__), __title__)

[docs] class EsiStatusException(Exception): """EsiStatus base exception."""
[docs] def __init__(self, message): super().__init__() self.message = message
[docs] class EsiOffline(EsiStatusException): """ESI is offline error."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """:meta private:""" super().__init__("ESI appears to be offline.")
[docs] class EsiDailyDowntime(EsiOffline): """ESI is offline due to daily downtime."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """:meta private:""" super().__init__() self.message = "Assuming ESI is offline during it's daily downtime."
[docs] class EsiErrorLimitExceeded(EsiStatusException): """ESI error limit exceeded error."""
[docs] def __init__(self, retry_in: float = 60) -> None: """:meta private:""" super().__init__("The ESI error limit has been exceeded.") self._retry_in = float(retry_in)
@property def retry_in(self) -> float: """Time until next error window in seconds.""" return self._retry_in
[docs] class EsiStatus: """Current status of ESI (immutable).""" MAX_JITTER = 20
[docs] def __init__( self, is_online: bool, error_limit_remain: Optional[int] = None, error_limit_reset: Optional[int] = None, is_daily_downtime: bool = False, ) -> None: self._is_online = bool(is_online) self._is_daily_downtime = is_daily_downtime if error_limit_remain is None or error_limit_reset is None: self._error_limit_remain = None self._error_limit_reset = None else: self._error_limit_remain = int(error_limit_remain) self._error_limit_reset = int(error_limit_reset)
@property def is_ok(self) -> bool: """True if ESI is online and below error limit, else False.""" return self.is_online and not self.is_error_limit_exceeded @property def is_daily_downtime(self) -> bool: """True if status was created during daily downtime time frame.""" return self._is_daily_downtime @property def is_online(self) -> bool: """True if ESI is online, else False.""" return self._is_online @property def error_limit_remain(self) -> Optional[int]: """Amount of remaining errors in current window.""" return self._error_limit_remain @property def error_limit_reset(self) -> Optional[int]: """Seconds until current error window resets.""" return self._error_limit_reset @property def is_error_limit_exceeded(self) -> bool: """True when remain is below the threshold, else False. Will also return False if remain/reset are not defined """ return bool( self.error_limit_remain and self.error_limit_reset and self.error_limit_remain <= APPUTILS_ESI_ERROR_LIMIT_THRESHOLD )
[docs] def error_limit_reset_w_jitter(self, max_jitter: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """Calc seconds to retry in order to reach next error window incl. jitter.""" if self.error_limit_reset is None: return 0 if not max_jitter or max_jitter < 1: max_jitter = self.MAX_JITTER return self.error_limit_reset + int(random.uniform(1, max_jitter))
[docs] def raise_for_status(self): """Raise an exception if ESI if offline or the error limit is exceeded.""" if not self.is_online: if self.is_daily_downtime: raise EsiDailyDowntime() raise EsiOffline() if self.is_error_limit_exceeded: raise EsiErrorLimitExceeded(retry_in=self.error_limit_reset_w_jitter())
[docs] def fetch_esi_status(ignore_daily_downtime: bool = False) -> EsiStatus: """Determine the current ESI status. Args: ignore_daily_downtime: When True will always make a request to ESI \ even during the daily downtime """ is_daily_downtime = _is_daily_downtime() if not ignore_daily_downtime and is_daily_downtime: return EsiStatus(is_online=False, is_daily_downtime=True) try: response = _request_esi_status() except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): logger.warning("Network error when trying to call ESI", exc_info=True) return EsiStatus(is_online=False, is_daily_downtime=is_daily_downtime) if not response.ok: is_online = False else: try: is_online = not response.json().get("vip") except ValueError: is_online = False try: remain = int(response.headers.get("X-Esi-Error-Limit-Remain")) # type: ignore reset = int(response.headers.get("X-Esi-Error-Limit-Reset")) # type: ignore except TypeError: logger.warning("Failed to parse HTTP headers: %s", response.headers) return EsiStatus(is_online=is_online, is_daily_downtime=is_daily_downtime) logger.debug( "ESI status: is_online: %s, error_limit_remain = %s, error_limit_reset = %s", is_online, remain, reset, ) return EsiStatus( is_online=is_online, error_limit_remain=remain, error_limit_reset=reset, is_daily_downtime=is_daily_downtime, )
def _is_daily_downtime() -> bool: """Determine if we currently are in the daily downtime period.""" downtime_start = _calc_downtime(APPUTILS_ESI_DAILY_DOWNTIME_START) downtime_end = _calc_downtime(APPUTILS_ESI_DAILY_DOWNTIME_END) return now() >= downtime_start and now() <= downtime_end def _calc_downtime(hours_float: float) -> dt.datetime: hour, minute = _convert_float_hours(hours_float) return now().replace(hour=hour, minute=minute) def _convert_float_hours(hours_float: float) -> tuple: """Convert float hours into int hours and int minutes for datetime.""" hours = int(hours_float) minutes = int((hours_float - hours) * 60) return hours, minutes def _request_esi_status() -> requests.Response: """Fetch current status from ESI. Retry on common HTTP errors.""" max_retries = 3 retry_count = 0 while True: response = requests.get( "", timeout=(5, 30), headers={"User-Agent": f"{__package__};{__version__}"}, ) if response.status_code not in { 502, # HTTPBadGateway 503, # HTTPServiceUnavailable 504, # HTTPGatewayTimeout }: break retry_count += 1 if retry_count > max_retries: break logger.warning( "HTTP status code %s - Try %s/%s", response.status_code, retry_count, max_retries, ) wait_secs = 0.1 * (random.uniform(2, 4) ** (retry_count - 1)) sleep(wait_secs) return response
[docs] def retry_task_if_esi_is_down(self): """Retry current celery task if ESI is not online or error threshold is exceeded. This function has to be called from inside a celery task! Args: self: Current celery task from `@shared_task(bind=True)` """ try: fetch_esi_status().raise_for_status() except EsiOffline as ex: countdown = (5 + int(random.uniform(1, 10))) * 60 logger.warning( "ESI appears to be offline. Trying again in %d seconds.", countdown ) raise self.retry(countdown=countdown) from ex except EsiErrorLimitExceeded as ex: logger.warning( "ESI error limit threshold reached. Trying again in %s seconds", ex.retry_in ) raise self.retry(countdown=ex.retry_in) from ex