Source code for app_utils.datetime

"""Utilities related to date and time."""

import datetime as dt

import pytz

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

# Default format for output of datetime
DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

[docs] def datetime_round_hour(my_dt: dt.datetime) -> dt.datetime: """Rounds given datetime object to nearest hour""" return my_dt.replace( second=0, microsecond=0, minute=0, hour=my_dt.hour ) + dt.timedelta(hours=my_dt.minute // 30)
[docs] def dt_eveformat(my_dt: dt.datetime) -> str: """converts a datetime to a string in eve format e.g. ``2019-06-25T19:04:44`` """ my_dt_2 = dt.datetime( my_dt.year, my_dt.month,, my_dt.hour, my_dt.minute, my_dt.second ) return my_dt_2.isoformat()
[docs] def ldap_time_2_datetime(ldap_dt: int) -> dt.datetime: """converts ldap time to datetime.datetime""" return pytz.utc.localize( dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp((ldap_dt / 10000000) - 11644473600) )
[docs] def ldap_timedelta_2_timedelta(ldap_td: int) -> dt.timedelta: """converts a ldap time delta into a datetime.timedelta""" return dt.timedelta(microseconds=ldap_td / 10)
[docs] def timeuntil_str(duration: dt.timedelta, show_seconds=True) -> str: """return the duration as nicely formatted string. Or empty string if duration is negative. Format: ``[[[999y] [99m]] 99d] 99h 99m 99s`` """ seconds = int(duration.total_seconds()) if seconds > 0: periods = [ # Translators: Abbreviation for years (_("y"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, False, True), # Translators: Abbreviation for months (_("mt"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, False, True), # Translators: Abbreviation for days (_("d"), 60 * 60 * 24, False, True), # Translators: Abbreviation for hours (_("h"), 60 * 60, True, True), # Translators: Abbreviation for months (_("m"), 60, True, True), # Translators: Abbreviation for seconds (_("s"), 1, True, show_seconds), ] strings = [] for period_name, period_seconds, period_static, show in periods: if seconds >= period_seconds or period_static: period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds) if show: strings.append(f"{period_value}{period_name}") result = " ".join(strings) else: result = "" return result