Source code for app_utils.caching

"""Utilities for caching objects and querysets."""

import functools
import hashlib
from typing import Any, Optional

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models

[docs] class ObjectCacheMixin: """A mixin which adds a simple object cache to a Django manager."""
[docs] def get_cached( self, pk, timeout: Optional[int] = None, select_related: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """Return the requested object either from DB or from cache. Can be disabled globally through the setting ``APP_UTILS_OBJECT_CACHE_DISABLED``. Args: pk: Primary key for object to fetch timeout: Timeout in seconds for cache select_related: select_related query to be applied (if any) Returns: model instance if found Exceptions: ``Model.DoesNotExist`` if object can not be found Example: .. code-block:: python # adding the Mixin to the model manager class MyModelManager(ObjectCacheMixin, models.Manager): pass # using the cache method obj = MyModel.objects.get_cached(pk=42, timeout=3600) """ is_cache_disabled = bool( getattr(settings, "APP_UTILS_OBJECT_CACHE_DISABLED", False) ) if is_cache_disabled: value = self._fetch_object_for_cache(pk=pk, select_related=select_related) return value func = functools.partial( self._fetch_object_for_cache, pk=pk, select_related=select_related ) return cache.get_or_set( self._create_object_cache_key(pk, select_related), func, timeout )
[docs] def clear_cache(self, pk: int): """Clear cache for a potentially cached object. This will also clear cached variants with select_related (if any). Args: pk: Primary key for object to fetch """ key_base = self._create_object_base_cache_key(pk) cache.delete_pattern(f"{key_base}*")
def _create_object_base_cache_key(self, pk: int) -> str: model_meta = self.model._meta return f"{model_meta.app_label}-{model_meta.model_name}-{pk}" def _create_object_cache_key( self, pk: int, select_related: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: key = self._create_object_base_cache_key(pk) suffix = ( hashlib.md5(select_related.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if select_related else "" ) return f"{key}-{suffix}" if suffix else key def _fetch_object_for_cache(self, pk, select_related: Optional[str] = None): qs = self.select_related(select_related) if select_related else self return qs.get(pk=pk)
[docs] def cached_queryset(queryset: models.QuerySet, key: str, timeout: int) -> Any: """caches the given queryset Args: queryset: the query set to cache key: key to be used to reference this cache timeout: Timeout in seconds for cache Returns: query set Example: .. code-block:: python queryset = cached_queryset( MyModel.objects.filter(name__contains="dummy"), key="my_cache_key", timeout=3600 ) """ return cache.get_or_set(key, lambda: queryset, timeout)